Think of your profile as the hub for your research and the contributions you make to ResearchGate, such as questions and answers, and research interests on ResearchGate.
Your profile is broken down into five tabs: your Profile provides a snapshot of your research, affiliations and experience; Research is where you can find your publications, questions, and answers; Stats shows you who is reading, citing and mentioning your work; Following is where you can see all the work you're interested in on ResearchGate, such as publications, questions and topics; and your Saved list allows you privately collect research.
You can customize your Profile by adding a photo, featuring publications, listing your research skills and expertise, adding information about your research experience, and keep up with and manage the research you follow. Next to your profile photo, you'll also see the option to edit your qualifications, current activity and your personal website. Your current activity allows you to share whether you are looking for potential collaborators, a new position, or feedback on your work and makes it easier for other researchers to connect with you. For more information about customizing your profile, see Account settings.
Your Business card helps increase your visibility on ResearchGate. It is a brief summary of your profile that can be displayed across the platform, so make sure your profile information and current activity are up to date. Only you see the preview of your business card on your own profile, but it can be shown on other researchers' stats pages when you interact with their work. It's also visible in other places across the platform, for example when someone hovers over your name. Your business card can be edited by clicking on the Edit button at the top-right corner of the Business card section, then editing the relevant field. Please note that any changes you make to your business card will also be updated in your profile.
To edit your skills and expertise, disciplines, languages, education, grant or award details, journal roles, memberships, or ORCID iD, go to your Profile tab and click Edit at the top-right corner of the About me section. Select the field that you'd like to edit, make the necessary changes, and then click Save.
Your Following tab is where you can find all the publications, questions, and topics you're following on ResearchGate. It is where you can come back to all the research you're interested in later, and easily manage the content you're keeping track of. For more information, see Following research.
Your Saved List is where you can privately store any publications you discover on ResearchGate that you'd like to return to easily later.