I’ve found a duplicate research item. How can I merge them?
There are a couple of ways why a research item can have multiple publication pages on ResearchGate. This can occur when an author adds a research item that is already in our database, or when more than one author adds the same item. If you have found duplicate research items on your Research tab, please help us merge them by editing the items' details. We automatically merge publication pages where all information is identical, including title, date of publication, author list, and journal.
Research items will not automatically merge if:
You have added both of the research items yourself
All the information on the pages isn’t identical
One of the research items has a DOI
Both items have different DOIs.
Please also note that we don’t merge articles with their linked data or preprints. Since articles and preprints represent different stages of the publication process, we consider these to be separate research items.
If you want publication pages to automatically merge, you can follow these steps to make their information identical:
Go to the research item's publication page by clicking on the title of the research item
Click on More on the right side of the page and select Edit from the dropdown menu
Make the necessary changes
Click Save.
Please note: It can take up to 72 hours for the items to merge.
If you prefer to simply delete one of your duplicate research items, you can find out about your options for removal here.
I have two profiles. Why did this happen and how can I fix it?
Creating multiple accounts normally happens unintentionally. Whether you forgot you had an account or simply signed up again when you got a new email address, if you have two ResearchGate accounts, you can merge them quickly and easily. Merging allows you to transfer all your publications (including their related stats, such as citations and reads) from one account to the account that you want to keep. Some things — like followers, followings, questions, and messages — will not be transferred. When you merge accounts, one of them is removed.
Note: You can only keep an account that you are currently able to access.
Merging accounts is irreversible, so be careful when choosing which account to delete. Here's how you can merge your accounts:
Log in to the ResearchGate account you want to keep
Visit the profile page of your other account
Click on More on the right side of the page and select Report duplicate
Enter the email addresses associated with both of your accounts and click Save.
Your request to merge your accounts will be reviewed and you will receive an email confirmation from us when the merge has been completed.
If you can't remember the login email address for your duplicate account, we may be able to delete or lock the account on your behalf. To request that we delete or lock an account that you can no longer access, please contact us here.
I've discovered a page that lists my scientific contributions. What can I do?
When browsing ResearchGate you might come across a page that lists your scientific contributions or those of a colleague or co-author. This is most likely a scientific contributions page. These pages typically have a URL in this format: https://www.researchgate.net/scientific-contributions/firstname-lastname-number.
Scientific contributions pages list publication pages that haven’t been linked to a member’s ResearchGate profile. These pages contain bibliographic data of published and publicly available information. One reason they exist is to make confirming authorship and adding publications to your ResearchGate profile page easier.
If a scientific contributions page lists your research, you can link the publication pages to your profile by clicking on Are you Firstname Lastname? at the top right-hand side of the page to claim authorship. Once the publication pages are linked to your profile, the scientific contributions page will be removed.
If you know the person who should claim the scientific contributions page, you can click Invite to suggest that they claim their research.
If you discover a scientific contributions page relating to you and would like us to remove it, we are happy to do so. You can request that we remove the page by contacting us through our contact form.