A great way to stay up to date on research in your field is to follow it. You can follow publications and questions to stay informed about new updates. You can keep track of all the content you're following directly from your Following tab.
How do I follow a research item?
To follow a research item, visit its ResearchGate page, click the More button at the top right-hand side of the page underneath the stats information, and select Follow to get updates. You will now get updates about this work.
To view all of the research items you are following, go to the Following tab on your profile.
Why am I automatically following research items?
Some parts of the following process are automated to improve your ResearchGate experience. For example, if you comment on a research item, you will automatically follow that research item, so that you are kept up to date with any new activity.
If you would like to unfollow a research item, simply follow the steps below.
How do I unfollow research items?
To unfollow a research item:
1. Go to your profile by clicking on your profile photo in the top right of any page and visit the Following tab
2. In the list that appears, scroll to the research item you would like to unfollow and click the Following button below that item. It should then change to Follow.
How do I follow a question?
You automatically follow all questions that you ask, answer, recommend, or share. If you want to follow a question manually, click the Follow button under the question. Following a question means that you'll be notified of any answers other researchers add to it.
How do I find the questions I'm following?
To find questions you are following, you can click on Questions at the top of any ResearchGate page, and click the Questions you follow tab.
How do I unfollow a question?
To unfollow a question:
1. Go to the question’s page
2. Click the Following button under the question. It should then change to Follow.