Why is the journal title not visible on my publication page?
If no journal information is shown on your publication page, this means your article has not been attributed to the corresponding journal in our database. You can manually update this by following these steps:
- Visit the Research tab on your profile and use the search bar or scroll down to your journal article
- Click on the downward-facing arrow below the research item's title and select Edit
- Enter the journal name or ISSN into the Journal field, and select the correct journal suggested in the drop-down menu
- Select the correct journal from the suggestions that appear in the drop-down menu
- Click Save.
If your journal isn't visible in the drop-down menu, that means it's currently not in our database.
How does ResearchGate add journals to its database?
It’s important for us that our journal database has as much coverage as possible. Having complete journal information in our database means that authors can associate their work with the correct journal information, and readers can easily identify and locate information about the journal in which a work was published.
At the same time, adding journals to our database is not something we can do on a case-by-case basis. That’s why we currently only import journal information from CrossRef, via its Journal API. If your journal is added to CrossRef’s journal database and has a valid ISSN, it should eventually become part of our database. We appreciate your patience in the meantime.
I think I’ve found a predatory journal in ResearchGate’s database. Why did ResearchGate include this journal?
For now, we are only importing journal data from CrossRef, knowing that we might import some journals that may not meet high academic standards. We do this because, on balance, we think it’s more important for journal information to be complete and available to readers, so they can make their own assessments about the quality and reliability of the content they consume on ResearchGate.
Please note that including a journal in our database doesn’t mean that we have vetted it for quality, nor that we endorse it.