When you read research and connect with others online, you should be able to feel confident that you’re interacting with real people and credible information. But we know it’s not that easy. To help you make better-informed decisions about the research, people, and opportunities you engage with, we’ve introduced verification on ResearchGate.
Profile affiliation verification is a way for ResearchGate members to confirm their affiliation with the institution listed on their profile. A Verified Badge on a researcher’s profile signals that they verified their affiliation.
How does verification work?
ResearchGate members can verify their affiliation with a research institution by using their institutional email.
If we recognize your institution and the domain name (the part after ‘@') of your email matches your institution’s domain, you can verify your affiliation. We’ll email you a link to confirm that it’s your email address, and the email will be linked to your account if it isn’t already. After confirming your institutional email, you’ll get a Verified Badge on your profile.
To keep your verified status, you’ll need to keep your institutional email linked to your account. We’ll also ask you to re-verify your affiliation every 6 months.
What is a Verified Badge?
A Verified Badge on a ResearchGate profile means that the person verified the primary affiliation on their profile in the last 6 months.
Who’s eligible for verification?
Verification is available for ResearchGate members affiliated with a recognized research or academic institution in our system and have an active email address matching that institution.
Read our FAQs to learn more about verification.